OCBO to building owners: Settle annual inspection requirements

The Office of the City Building Official (OCBO) urged owners of establishments in the city to settle their deficiencies in the requirements…

Categorized in Infrastructure Development Tagged ,

City gov’t to build facility for IP, Muslim runners, watchers at SPMC

The City Government of Davao will be building an inpatient shelter facility for Indigenous Peoples (IPs) and Muslim runners and watchers at…

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CDRRMO opens Central 911 satellite substation in Baganihan

The Davao City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO) on Wednesday opened a Central 911 Satellite Substation in Barangay Baganihan, Marilog…

Categorized in Infrastructure Development, Local Government Tagged ,

Renovated Toril Public Park offers amenities for visitors

The newly renovated Toril Park, which was inaugurated on Monday, now offers added amenities for the young and old alike Parks and…

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City council hits DPWH over unfinished road projects

The 20th City Council passed on Tuesday a resolution demanding the DPWH to expedite their pending road repair projects and finish pending…

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