City gov’t forms TWG for tourist spot promotion, protection and preservation
Posted on by CIO Admin
To strengthen the promotion of the tourism industry in Davao City through tourism plans and programs that are culturally sensitive, eco-friendly, and…
Categorized in Local Government Tagged city government, Executive Order, protection and preservation, Technical Working Group, tourism, tourist spots promotionTWG formed to create IRR for Ordinance No. 0599-21, mandating motorcycle dealers to secure training course certificates from clients
Posted on by administrator
Davao City Mayor Sebastian Z Duterte has issued Executive Order No 10, Series of 2023, creating a Technical Working Group (TWG) to…
Categorized in Local Government, Transportation Planning & Traffic Management Tagged motorcycle dealers and distributors, Technical Working Group, training course certificatesDavao City gov’t launches technical group for digital revenue system integration
Posted on by administrator
The City Government of Davao has issued an executive order (EO) creating a Technical Working Group (TWG) to oversee the digitalization of…
Categorized in Business, Economy Tagged Aboitiz Group, Technical Working Group