Social Services

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Room 8-B, Mezzanine Floor, City Hall Building, City Hall Drive, San Pedro Street., Davao City

(082) 241-1000 local 279

Atty. Jonah Margarette F. Presto


The City Government of Davao is committed to building and maintaining a peaceful society where its citizens have the capacity to lead long, happy lives which is ultimately the goal of all development.

Peacebuilding should therefore be a cross-cutting theme in any development plan or program. Peacebuilding is the process of increasing connectors and decreasing dividers so that equitable development can occur. On the other hand, development is the process of increasing capacities and decreasing vulnerabilities so that people’s choices are expanded to enable them to lead long happy lives.

The Peace 911-The Center for Peacebuilding shall act as the implementing, coordinating, and monitoring body of the Local Government of Davao City to focus on peace-sensitive programs, projects and activities. It shall also build a peaceful Davao City by inculcating among the citizens the motives that orient people away from violence and towards cooperation and altruism, namely empathy, self-control, the moral sense and reason.


Peace 911- The Center for Peacebuilding envisions peace as embedded in justice, the building of right relationships and social structures, through respect for one another and commitment to nonviolence as a way of life.


To build peaceful communities through people’s participation in good governance, equitable economic development and cohesive social relations within the framework of positive peace.

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