The Integrated Gender and Development Division is a special division created to oversee the full implementation of the Women Development Code. It is mandated to act as the coordinative, regulatory and monitoring body of the Local Government of Davao City to focus on gender-sensitive projects and activities and shall complement gender-related functions of other agencies of the local government. The IGDD was created through City Ordinance No. 5004, otherwise known as the Davao City Women Development Code of 1997, later amended as City Ordinance No. 1032-02 series of 2003. Its primary task is to ensure gender mainstreaming in the City of Davao through the integration of gender and development in all areas of local governance. It is a division under the Office of the City Mayor. The IGDD was created as a reflection of the city government’s commitment to pursue and promote women’s rights and welfare. It was further created to ensure that series of measures in mainstreaming gender in the locality are undertaken, to wit: (1) increasing gender-sensitive policies; (2) addressing gender concerns in the development process and (3) developing clear concepts and strategies for gender equality and women empowerment.
The primary services offered by the office include:
- Serves as resource person/s in Gender Sensitivity Trainings, Seminars, Education Activities, etc.;
- Facilities GAD Lakbay Aral/Benchmarking sessions and On-site visits;
- Provides technical assistance in GAD Planning and Budgeting or GAD Evaluation and Monitoring; and
- Provides free legal consultations and referral assistances to VAWC victims-survivors.
The Integrated Gender and Development Division is located at Rm 9, Mezzanine Floor, IGDD Office, San Pedro St., City Hall Building, Davao City. You may contact them through (082) 226-8011 or 241-1000 local 205 or 339 or email them at