Correspondence and Records Division

Public Administration

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Rm. 23, 2nd Floor, City Hall Bldg., Davao City

(082) 227-8331, (082) 241-1000 Local 222


The City Mayor’s Office – Correspondence and Records Division (CMO-CRD) is in charge of the management of records of the City Mayor’s Office. It receives, releases and delivers communication, and safekeeps the records of the City Mayor’s Office. CMO-CRD was created from the former Records Section of the City Mayor’s Office during the reorganization of the City Government of Davao in 1996. CMO-CRD was created to ensure proper management of records of the City Mayor’s Office.

The services offered by the office include:

  • Receiving of communication for the City Mayor’s Office
  • Releasing of communication from the City Mayor’s Office
  • Delivery of communication for the City Mayor’s Office
  • Safekeeping of records of the City Mayor’s Office
  • Certification of documents of the City Mayor’s Office

The City Mayor’s Office – Correspondence and Records Division is located at Room 23 of the Davao City Hall, City Hall Drive, San Pedro St., Davao City. You may contact them through landline number (082) 241-1000 local 222 or email them at